What is an archive?
An archive is a repository that houses historical documents, records, photos, and/or film that provides information about a place, a person, an institution, event, and so on. These original primary sources are used for scholarly, personal, and/or genealogical research.
Societal Collections and Resources
St. Louis County Historical Society Records
The majority of the St. Louis County Historical Society's archival materials are located at the Kathryn A. Martin Library Archives and Special Collections.
To view the handout from the April 5, 2021, Twin Ports Genealogical Society Presentation by Aimee Brown, Archivist and Curator of Special Collections, click on “What’s New at the UMD Archives?”
Veterans of St. Louis County
The Albert J. Amatuzio Archive and Research Center houses donated archival material that focuses on the veterans of St. Louis County. For more information, check out our Veterans Memorial Hall program.
In addition to donated archival material, the VMH Program has an oral history collection that is still a work in process.
Research and Resources
Please visit our News page for staff created articles and resources that may aid your in your research.