Jeffrey Wencl, President*
Steven Matthews, Vice-President*
Michele Beeksma, Secretary
Ronald Hein, Treasurer
TBD, Executive Director (ex officio)*
*The President, Vice-President and Executive Director shall be ex-officio Members of all committees and task forces", per Society bylaws.
Karen Keenan
Linda Nervick
Nick Wognum
Audit and Finance
Ronald Hein, Chair
Robert Baeumler
Tim Grover
Nominating and Governance
TBD, Chair
Donna Bergstrom
Nick Wognum
Affiliate Relations
Nick Wognum, Ely-Winton Historical Society
Mary Keyes, Hibbing Historical Society
Charles Palmquist, Minnesota Museum of Mining
Mary "Mickey" White, SISU Heritage, Inc.
Linda Folstad, Tower-Soudan Historical Society
Darrel Swenson, Virginia Area Historical Society
Museum Operations and Archives Operations
Michele Beeksma, Chair
Leone Graf
Dennis Hughes
Karen Keenan
American Indian Advisory (AIAC)
Vernon Zacher, Chair, Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Jaylen Strong, Bois Forte Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Marie Spry, Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Michael Gillespie, at large representative, Oglala Lakota
Michele Beeksma, at large representative, Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Mining Industry Advisory (MIAC)
Ronald Hein, Chair
Jim Scott
Bruce Mars
Rick Crum
Kristin Vake
Al Hodnik
Veterans Memorial Hall Advisory (VMHAC)
Andrew Meyer, Chair
Ronald Hein, Vice-Chair
Dave Anderson
Julie Anderson
Donna Bergstrom
Scott Markle
Paul Pedersen
Daniel Streu
Nadine Wells