Taconite: New Life for Minnesota's Iron Range
Taconite, New Life for Minnesota's Iron Range, The History of Erie Mining Company, winner of the 2021 MALHM History Award, tells the history of one of the world's first and largest taconite mines and processing plants. The fascinating history includes the pioneering research that developed a method to economically mine and process taconite. The revolutionary process and success of the test research lead to the construction and operation of a commercial mine and plant now known as the Erie Mining Company. At its peak operation, over 10.3 million tons of ore pellets were processed from taconite annually.
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The price includes all taxes, shipping, and handling.
Book Details
- 352 full-color pages filled with photos, maps, charts, graphs, and vivid text
- Recollections of former employees, family members, and people linked with the Erie Mining Company
- Fold-out timeline of historical events and production statistics
- Hardcover book includes internet access to over 150 oral history interview transcripts, company newspaper articles, photos, organization charts, and more
- 352 full-color pages filled with photos, maps, charts, graphs, and vivid text
For more book information please contact
Ron Hein (308) 991-1796 or Mike Sterk (218) 225-3507