SLCHS 102nd Annual Meeting of the Members - Free and Open to the Public

102nd Annual Meeting of the Members of
St. Louis County Historical Society
Tuesday, April 23, 2024, 5PM-7PM
Great Hall of the St. Louis County Depot
506 West Michigan Street
Duluth, MN 55802
The St. Louis County Historical Society welcomes all to attend the 102nd Annual Meeting of the Members on Tuesday, April 23 from 5-7pm. The evening will begin with a social hour and light hors d’oeuvres. Executive Director Nicholas Jensen will introduce the keynote speaker, Mary Palcich Keyes, and her presentation, The Importance of Boarding Houses. Following Mary’s presentation, the Society’s business portion of the evening will begin, with the election and ratification of the Board of Governors.
The event’s public schedule is as follows:
5:00-7:00pm Annual Meeting of the Members
5:00-5:20pm Social Hour (Complimentary light fare and cash bar), explore Society space.
5:20-5:30pm President and Executive Director’s Welcoming Remarks
5:30-6:00pm Presentation by Mary Keyes, The Importance of Boarding Houses.
6:00-7:00pm Business Meeting, followed by election/ratification of the Board of Governors*
See Candidate Bios below.
Please make your reservation for the SLCHS Annual Meeting online, or submit your RSVP via mail or email using the Annual Meeting Mailer that follows.
For additional information about the annual meeting, contact Tim White at 218.733.7586 or tim_at_thehistorypeople_dot_org.
*Membership dues must be current and postmarked or received in the Society’s office as of March 24, 2024, to be eligible to vote at the Annual Meeting, per the Society’s bylaws.
If you are interested in becoming a member or renewing your membership, visit our Membership page. You can pay online. Select Membership Dues under the Designation.

Speaker Biography:
Mary Palcich Keyes (pictured) is familiar to northern Minnesota residents for her "Years of Yore" weekly page about aspects of Iron Range history which is published in the Mesabi Tribune and affiliated papers. Mary holds leadership roles in the Hibbing Historical Society and represents that Society on the St. Louis County Historical Society Board of Governors.
Mary is the daughter of two Iron Rangers who were outstanding teachers. After Mary graduated from Hibbing High School in 1975, she attended the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, MN, earning degrees in English, Speech/Theatre, and Secondary Education. She taught for 18 years at Hill-Murray High School in St. Paul where she taught mostly 12th grade literature, writing and media classes, and developed the English Advanced Placement course. Then, for four years, she taught classes about Minnesota history and research at the Minnesota Historical Society's History Center in downtown St. Paul. She and her husband Joe returned to her hometown in 2003 where they owned and operated Howard Street Booksellers until 2015. Although they retired from running the brick and mortar storefront, they continue to order books for individuals and organizations. They also give tours of historic Hibbing, Bob Dylan's Hibbing, and its magnificent High School.